
Best American Junk Food

American Junk Food

The perfects of American rapid food have actually been in area considering that around 1867 with a hot canine stand.

American Junk Food
American Junk Food

As even more family members went into the labor force with both moms and dads functioning the suggestion of American rapid food came to be extra enticing.


Today individuals go to quick food dining establishments for all kinds of factors. Some individuals take a trip typically and also so they have a tendency to guide in the direction of quick food dining establishments they are acquainted with.

These days there are quickly food joints all over the area. American quick food is all concerning something quickly and also something acquainted.

The fastest means to obtain food at this kind of dining establishment is to make use of the drive up home window.

You will not also have to obtain out of your cars and truck in order to obtain what you desire. You simply drive up to the audio speaker, see the food selection, order what you desire, as well as drive to the home window.

American rapid food is commonly criticized for inadequate consuming behaviors as well as also for individuals being obese. There are some really great selections you can make at a rapid food dining establishment.

The suitables of American rapid food have actually been in area given that around 1867 with a hot canine stand.

As even more households went into the labor force with both moms and dads functioning the concept of American quick food came to be a lot more attractive.

Some individuals take a trip commonly and also so they often tend to guide in the direction of rapid food dining establishments they are acquainted with.

American Junk Food
American Junk Food

American rapid food is all regarding something quickly and also something acquainted. American rapid food is typically condemned for inadequate consuming behaviors and also for individuals being obese.

Industrialized Countries Use American Diet Based On Junk Science

Industrialized countries use an American diet that is based on junk science. The biggest cause of health problems in America is the nation’s food supply.

Research points to the risk of disease from consuming the diet that is prevalent in the industrialized countries. These studies reach the conclusion that a high fat diet with lots of fat from red meat consumption is the culprit.

Other studies point to a diet high in red meat consumption as a cause of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Most of the diets also included processed foods and sugar.

A new study of older Chinese women who eat a western-style diet loaded with fats, meats and sweets shows that they have a higher risk for breast cancer, than those women who eat a traditional diet of soy and vegetables.

Does that mean that the Eskimos or early Native Americans had a high rate of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and high cholesterol? They did not exhibit the poor health or obesity facing the industrial world’s population. Yet their diet was high in fat from animal sources.

The indigenous people of the world did not eat a processed food diet. They ate meat from animals that consumed their natural diet.

They were not fed grain, antibiotics or hormones to fatten them up. When you eat meat from an animal that was raised on grain you are consuming a diet high in omega 6 fats. This is what causes the many health problems.

The reason for the junk science is the lack of understanding that comes from using the American way of eating for guidance.

To think that this is anything more than junk science based on junk food is foolish. A healthy diet is food in its unprocessed form.

The nutrients with the right ratio of fats are there for a reason. They are in a form where all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes work together for proper digestion and assimilation.

Since the food manufacturers are busy trying to alter our food supply for cheaper production cost and higher yield we are going to get genetically engineer “food.”

With cattle they want to fatten them as fast as the can, by any means possible. The difference between animals that are grass-fed and an animal that is grain-fed is enormous.

Enormous is the operative word here. The cattle are fattened with a high grain diet. They are mammals and so are humans.

So, if grain makes cattle fat what do you think makes us fat? To add insult to injury they throw in some hormones to be sure they get fat fast enough. Red meat consumption studies do not take in to consideration these factors.

Now we get the grain and hormones when we consume meat. Now for the fun part post-menopausal women who were overweight showed a 60 percent greater risk of developing the most common kind of breast cancer, the kind fueled by the hormone estrogen.

The meat will get the blame. However, grass fed beef and lamb lower all the risk factors for the diseases that plague the westernized nations of the world.

No wonder the public has a blind eye for these reports. They are confusing and contradictory. The studies that are for public health recommendations must address these issues.

The contradictory research that comes out of these studies is unlikely to help anyone understand good sound nutrition. These studies are based on the American diet industries use of junk science.

Fast Food Takes Its Place

What if someone asked you to name the great cuisines of the world? What would you say? French food, of course, is famous. Italians are world-renowned. Greek food has its own following. What about America?


Well, what comes to mind when you hear the words “American cuisine”? Personally, I think of the 1950’s drive-up restaurants, with milkshakes and old-fashioned hamburgers and Coney Islands dripping in mustard.

That’s probably not the typical definition for the word “cuisine”, but it definitely defines American food.

But wait a second. What does the word “cuisine” mean, exactly? The textbook definition is “A characteristic manner or style of preparing food.”

According to that, there’s nothing more American than a hamburger, large fries, and a chocolate milkshake. That meal, served in its own greasy white paper bag, might just be the epitome of everything that is American.

American fast food chains have spread all over the world. They are a symbol of western life in far-off lands, a landmark, loved or hated, by tourists and natives alike.

Even the French, who carefully monitor each word that enters their language, have allowed in “hamburger” and “hotdog” to refer to these

distinctly American treasures. What exactly is so appealing about this distinctly American tradition of hot, greasy, tasty food on the run?

For one thing, fast food has a constancy about it. Every time you order a cheeseburger from a particular restaurant chain, you know what that cheeseburger is going to taste like.

If someone mentions fast food french fries, you can immediately imagine the taste in your mouth and the striped paper pouch in which they arrive, complete with a layer of salt collected at the bottom and that one short, squat little fry, overdone and sharp at the edges.

In a constantly changing society, it seems, Americans and others all over the world derive a real comfort from knowing exactly what they are getting. It’s the same thing they’ve been getting since childhood.

Secondly, the massive appeal of fast food comes from the fact that it is, indeed, fast. Where else but America could such a thing have developed?

We’re a busy people, with multiple jobs and deadlines and kids and responsibilities, and knowing that we can pick up pre-cooked, steamy hot food in a bag and bring it home to

satisfy hunger with minimum fuss is definitely appealing. You technically don’t even need to dirty your silverware.

It may be unhealthy, and it may be expensive, and it may be contributing to the decline of Americans sitting down to dinner together every night.

But let’s face it- like the gas-gobbling SUVs we love to drive, Americans have a dichotomy of love and hate with most of the things they’ve created. And fast food, in all of its greasy glory, is here to stay.

Besides, sometimes it’s a wonderful thing to be able to overcome your guilt, forget about your arteries for just a minute, and buy yourself a burger. And maybe even super-size it. After all, it’s the American way.

United States Regional Cuisine: Soul Food

The history of American soul food can be traced all the way back to the days of slavery. More often times than not, the slaves were given the most undesirable part of the meal, the leftovers from the house.


Pairing this with their own home-grown vegetables, the first soul food dishes were invented.

After the slaves were freed, most of them were so poor that they could only afford the most undesirable, inexpensive cuts of meat available to them. (The leftover, unwanted parts of a pig such as tripe, tongue, ears, and knuckles).

As in the days of slavery, African-Americans used their own home-grown vegetables and things they could catch or kill to complete their meals.

In the modern United States, soul food has truly evolved. It has become part of the African-American culture, bringing family members together on all occasions from birthdays to funerals, to spend time together preparing meals.

The history of soul food is mainly an oral one; recipes were never really written down so while two families may be preparing identical meals, chances are that they don’t taste very much alike.

Different ingredients, cooking methods, and techniques go into preparing soul food meals, causing the end results to come out differently.

One of the most obvious and widely-recognized characteristics of African-American soul food is the fact that hot sauce and more intense spices are incorporated into meals as often as possible. For this reason, soul food is not for those who can’t take the heat or are prone to heart burn!

Another characteristic of true African-American soul food is that nothing is ever wasted. Having originated from the leftovers of just about anything.

Stale bread was quickly converted into stuffing or a bread pudding. Over ripe bananas were whipped up into banana puddings, and other ripe fruits were put into cakes and pies, and leftover fish parts were made into croquets or hush puppies.

Sunday dinners are definitely the times when soul food is most commonly seen on tables. Sunday dinners are a time for African-American families to get together to prepare and partake in a large meal.

Sunday dinners normally take up the entire day (normally following a church ceremony), and family members come from far and wide to partake in this meal together.

Sunday dinners took place in the form of potlucks, also, where various family members contribute a dish or two and form a big, fine meal.

Collard and mustard greens, kale, ribs, corn bread, fried chicken, chitlins, okra, and yams are all excellent examples of African-American soul food that might be found at a Sunday meal.

Soul food is not generally a healthy option for a person that must monitor their diet. Fried foods are generally prepared with hydrogenated oil or lard, and they usually tend to be flavored and seasoned with pork products.

Since this may be what contributes to such a high percentage of African-Americans that are significantly overweight, soul food preparation methods are now slowly starting to be refined, bringing a lot more healthy options to the table.

Rather than the increasingly unhealthy pork products, use of turkey-based products is becoming more and more popular as time passes.

The fried foods that are so beloved of the culture can now be prepared using a lower fat canola or vegetable oil.

Tex Mex Food Surprises

The evolution of North Mexican cuisine in Texas is the cocktail of Texas and Mexican style giving birth to Tex Mex food, which is a highly spiced and vibrantly styled cuisine.


History points out that Tex Mex food dates back to 1940’s when Spanish and Mexican recipes combined with Anglo fare.

Today it is a 20th Century phenomenon for Americans. The first Tex Mex restaurant surfaced in the southwest region, which had a dense Mexican population.

The gourmet Tex Mex began in 1970’s and appealed to the young generation. Diana Kennedy brought this common food to a trendy fare in her book Cuisines of Mexico in 1972. Robb Walsh has also commented in The Tex Mex Cookbook.

Tex Mex Cuisine

Main characteristic of Tex Mex food is heavy use of meat, especially beef, beans and spices. Some inventions are nachos, crispy tacos, crispy chalupas, chilli con queso, chilli con carne, chilly gravy and fajitas.

Serving tortilla chips, hot sauce or salsa is an appetizer in original Tex Mex style. Along with these Mexican dishes some Texas specialty like ribs and chili are served in Texas restaurants.

What is Tex Mex?

It may be described as native foreign food, ‘native’ because it does not exist elsewhere. To distinguish between Tex Mex and Mexican food we can only say that Mexican food has more variety and is regional but the whole of U.S.

is following this form and style of Tex Mex food, an amalgamation of Northern Mexico peasant food with Texas and cowboy fare.

In olden days, Texans went to Mexican restaurants and ate where the mixed plate was served. The Americanized Mexican food came to be known as Tex Mex, which stood as an insult to Texas Mexican restaurant owners. The insult launched the success story.

It evoked images of cantinas, cowboys and Wild West. Dozens of Tex Mex restaurants sprang up in Paris, spread to Europe and to Bangkok, Buenos Aries and Abu Dhabi. Tortilla chips, margaritas and chili con carne are world famous.

Tex Mex is a combo of American Indian and Spanish cuisines and cultural differences of Mexican American in South and West Texas.

Corn is widely used in American Indian cuisine in the form of Corn tortillas, which are usually bought from stores these days.

Many make flour tortillas, which are easier to cook. It is the basis of many popular dishes – enchiladas, tacos, chilaquiles, chalupas, quesadillas, tostadas, botanas and many more. Strangely. most Texas – Mexican dishes and equipment acquire names from Aztec language.

Another staple eaten daily is frijoles or beans of various kinds – kidney beans, tepary beans, black beans, pinto beans etc. They may be served combined with other food like ‘frijoles con chorizo’ and ‘frijoles con quielites’ to name a few.

Numerous dishes are prepared from meats. Traditional ones are from pork called ‘chicharrones’. Preparation from goats is known as ‘cabrito’ and ‘machitos’, while dishes prepared from cattle include fajitas.

Another traditional dish of west Texas is ‘morcilla’ made from pig blood. Various soups and pickled meat dish are common.

Although traditional food reveals strong cultural ties between Mexican American in West and South Texas, they also showed cultural difference.

Fajitas are common folk cuisine in South Texas but not in West Texas. Mexicans in South Texas like ‘tripitas’ though it is not popular in West Texas. Morcilla is common in West but not in South Texas.

In spite of these differences in folk levels Tex Mex food is popular all over the world.


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