
Learn about Italian dishes and how to prepare them

Learn about Italian dishes and how to prepare them

Ovunque Sia- (Wherever it may be) Where to Learn Italian Dishes Learn about Italian dishes and how to prepare them Italy is not only one of the most powerful and influential economies in the world.Learn about Italian dishes and how to prepare them


Ital y is also a major player in music, theatre, arts, design, fashion and of course – cuisine. There are different Italian restaurants that are providing gastronomic delight to its customers.

Where could one gather much information about Italian cuisine? Where to learn about Italian dishes and methods of preparing them?

Italian food is one of the most popular and tastiest food in the world. That is why many culinary students would like to master cooking Italian recipes.

Similar to learning language, learning Italian cuisine can reach immense heights and success through immersing or washing oneself in the country’s culture.

Many Italian cooking schools in Italy already offers bedding, cooking utensils, furniture, etc. Students who have gone abroad or to a different school to study just need bring necessary clothes and other necessities.

It is important to take into consideration that the student’s stuff will gradually increase.

Most students spend an entire semester or years in culinary schools to expand their knowledge and horizon. Meanwhile, there are students who see that learning how to cook Italian would be a great way to spent time with their vacation.

This is regardless if the students are great chefs or just passionate about cooking.

By participating to one of the many cooking or culinary schools in Italy can enable you to learn the secrets of authentic Italian cuisine while having fun with people who share your interests and passion.

Cooking skill can start from even the most basic knowledge, there are culinary schools, informal cooking classes and even cooking academies.

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Informal cooking classes can last from a day to a few weeks. Informal schools or even some culinary schools, create a fun and casual atmosphere. These experiences can be enjoyable for any level of cook, from amateur or even professionals.

These are several notable schools in Italy that teach cooking and culinary arts:

• Andrea Sposini is from Scuola darte culinaria Alta Societa’. She teaches students simple, understated, authentic Umbrian cuisine with exquisite extra virgin olive oils, superior wines and world famous salamis and cured meats.

She had conducted series of international shows both in America and England. Meanwhile, Alta Societa’ offers intensive courses in gourmet cooking for aspiring chefs.

They also conduct day classes for visitors who want to learn the basics of Italian cuisine.

• Cook Italy offers regional cooking lessons, sepcializing in regional dishes in Tuscany and Bologna. Cooking lessons are conducted in excellent locations in Bologna, Cartona, Lucca and even in Siracusa, Sicily.

• Tours and cooking vacations in Italy is what Mama Margaret and Friends are known for. Aside from cooking, they also conduct tours and visits in vineyards, country farms and kitchens of local chefs.

• Culinary Institutes are more similar to academies. This is not usually for beginners, aspiring cooks and professionals usually go here to learn about Italian cuisine for a full semester.

Italian culinary institutes are for those who are interested in mastering regional and national specialties.

• Apicius- Culinary Institue of Florence offers culinary education for those who are just learning the field. They also offer a Master in Italian Cuisine course for experienced chefs.

• Designed for non-professional and professional chefs, the Higher Institute of Gastronomy and School of Regional Cooking can be found in the heart of the city.

They also conduct visits to traditional cheese and balsamic vinegar making facilities.
• Fontana del Papa sets an excellent introduction to Italy. They offer cooking and wine classes and special cookery for children.

Where to learn Italian dishes is never a question in Italy. There are a lot of Italian cooking and culinary schools, professionals and beginners can go to. Students learn more that cuisine and food, they learn a lot about Italian culture.

Learn to Cook Italian Food on Vacation

It used to be that vacations were all about site seeing and relaxing. Well, not anymore. Today the hottest trend in travel is taking courses to learn new things while on vacation.


Nowhere is this more evident than in the cooking classes that have sprung up all over the world specifically for tourists. Many people travel to Italy on vacation in order to enjoy Italian food.

Now though, many people not only want to enjoy Italian food while away, they want to learn how to cook it. Instead of bringing back souvenirs tourists are bringing back skills that they can put to use in their kitchens at home to whip up authentic Italian food.

If you like Italian food then you may want to consider taking some classes to learn how to cook Italian food while in Italy.

There are many resorts today that offer Italian food classes to their guests. There are even whole vacation packages focused around learning how to cook Italian food.

You can take a tour through Italy and in each city or region that you stop in learn to make the local Italian food from the people who know it the best, the locals, not some tour guide or American teacher.

If you decide during your vacation that you would like to try out a cooking class then ask the concierge or front desk at your hotel. They should be able to point you in the direction of some Italian food classes.

Often resorts will have their own world class Italian food restaurants and it’s not uncommon for them to open their doors to travelers who want to learn to make a dish from the menu.

Be sure to ask the front desk at your resort about possible Italian food classes. Resorts don’t always advertise these classes because they often fill up just on word of mouth.

If you are feeling a little nervous about learning to cook Italian food on your vacation, relax. The classes are typically very small so you’ll be able to get one on one help.

This is truly a great opportunity to expand your knowledge of preparing Italian food from actual Italian chefs.

Don’t worry if you don’t know the first thing about cooking. These classes are structured to accommodate people with little to no knowledge of Italian food or even cooking for that matter.

If you would like to take a more advanced or intermediate class then ask about those options as well, but the majority of classes will be for beginners.

These Italian food classes for vacationers will teach you how to make easy dishes that look more complicated than they actually are. They’re not going try and teach you something complicated that will only end up frustrating you.

They know that it can be intimidating learning to cook Italian food from professional chefs so they will keep things simple.

On the other hand, they also understand that you probably want to go home and impress your friends with an Italian food dish that seems really fancy, so they will teach you dishes with a certain “wow” factor.

The next time you plan a vacation to Italy, try to step off the beaten path and learn how to cook some authentic Italian food.

The skills and memories you bring home will outlast any souvenir you could buy. Vacationing in Italy is not just about enjoying Italian food; it’s about bringing Italian food home with you.

The Italian Food Diet

It seems recently that among health circles Italian food has gotten a bad rep. With the advent of Atkins many former Italian food fans have steered clear of the cuisine because of all the pasta that is used.


However, this idea that pasta will make you fat is largely unfounded.

A diet of Italian food, especially from the Mediterranean is actually very healthy and will keep you looking and feeling great as long as you know what Italian food to eat and how to prepare it.

A great example of the fact that Italian food will not make you fat is in Sophia Loren. She told the world in her book that she grew up on spaghetti and ate it constantly. She says that it is not the pasta that makes you fat; it’s what you put on top of it.

People who gain weight eating Italian food typically do so not because of the pasta, but because of creamy sauces like Alfredo sauce and because they eat in too large portions.

Italian food from the Mediterranean doesn’t rely on rich, thick sauces and uses olive oil instead of butter, making it very healthy.

It all starts with the ingredients you keep. For good, healthy Italian food you want to make sure you stock the kitchen with quality pasta, olive oil, garlic, onions, lean meat, fish, and seafood. For seasoning you will want some herbs like basil, oregano, and parsley.

You’ll want to stay away from a lot of cheese and perhaps only get a little parmesan cheese to top your favorite Italian food dishes. The creamy and cheesy Italian food dishes are the ones you’re going to want to stay away from to keep a healthy diet.

There are several different light Italian food meals that you can prepare with these simple ingredients. Here is one to start you off, an Italian food classic, pasta with tomato sauce. You can use any type of pasta you want and you might want to try livening it up with variety.

Italian food is not just spaghetti noodles. Boil the pasta in water with salt. Make sure not to overcook the pasta. You want it to be firm, yet tender. The most common mistake made in making Italian food is making mushy pasta.

For the sauce simply chop up some garlic, an onion, and some tomatoes. Take a tablespoon of your quality olive oil and sauté both the garlic and onions until they are soft.

Once that is done add the tomatoes and cook until all the ingredients are blended together well. To top it off add your favorite herbs such as parsley, oregano, or basil.

Try different combinations of herbs, there is no definitive herbs for Italian food so experiment and give your sauce your own signature flavor.

Serve this sauce over your hot pasta and if you want put a little sprinkle of parmesan on it. This is a simple Italian food dish that stands on its own and you won’t need to eat bread or anything else with it.

This is a great example of how healthy Italian food is supposed to be, light and fresh.

Feel free to try different variations on this recipe. Italian food is full of a variety of pastas and recipes that can keep you satisfied and healthy as long as you stay away from the heavy sauces and creams.

Ovunque Sia: (Wherever it may be) Where to Learn Italian Dishes

Italy is not only one of the most powerful and influential economies in the world. Ital y is also a major player in music, theatre, arts, design, fashion and of course – cuisine.


There are different Italian restaurants that are providing gastronomic delight to its customers.

Where could one gather much information about Italian cuisine? Where to learn about Italian dishes and methods of preparing them?

Italian food is one of the most popular and tastiest food in the world. That is why many culinary students would like to master cooking Italian recipes.

Similar to learning language, learning Italian cuisine can reach immense heights and success through immersing or washing oneself in the country’s culture.

Many Italian cooking schools in Italy already offers bedding, cooking utensils, furniture, etc. Students who have gone abroad or to a different school to study just need bring necessary clothes and other necessities. It is important to take into consideration that the student’s stuff will gradually increase.

Most students spend an entire semester or years in culinary schools to expand their knowledge and horizon.

Meanwhile, there are students who see that learning how to cook Italian would be a great way to spent time with their vacation. This is regardless if the students are great chefs or just passionate about cooking.

By participating to one of the many cooking or culinary schools in Italy can enable you to learn the secrets of authentic Italian cuisine while having fun with people who share your interests and passion.

Cooking skill can start from even the most basic knowledge, there are culinary schools, informal cooking classes and even cooking academies.

Informal cooking classes can last from a day to a few weeks. Informal schools or even some culinary schools, create a fun and casual atmosphere. These experiences can be enjoyable for any level of cook, from amateur or even professionals.

These are several notable schools in Italy that teach cooking and culinary arts:

• Andrea Sposini is from Scuola darte culinaria Alta Societa’. She teaches students simple, understated, authentic Umbrian cuisine with exquisite extra virgin olive oils,

superior wines and world famous salamis and cured meats. She had conducted series of international shows both in America and England.

Meanwhile, Alta Societa’ offers intensive courses in gourmet cooking for aspiring chefs. They also conduct day classes for visitors who want to learn the basics of Italian cuisine.

• Cook Italy offers regional cooking lessons, sepcializing in regional dishes in Tuscany and Bologna. Cooking lessons are conducted in excellent locations in Bologna, Cartona, Lucca and even in Siracusa, Sicily.

• Tours and cooking vacations in Italy is what Mama Margaret and Friends are known for. Aside from cooking, they also conduct tours and visits in vineyards, country farms and kitchens of local chefs.

• Culinary Institutes are more similar to academies. This is not usually for beginners, aspiring cooks and professionals usually go here to learn about Italian cuisine for a full semester.

Italian culinary institutes are for those who are interested in mastering regional and national specialties.

• Apicius- Culinary Institue of Florence offers culinary education for those who are just learning the field. They also offer a Master in Italian Cuisine course for experienced chefs.

• Designed for non-professional and professional chefs, the Higher Institute of Gastronomy and School of Regional Cooking can be found in the heart of the city. They also conduct visits to traditional cheese and balsamic vinegar making facilities.

• Fontana del Papa sets an excellent introduction to Italy. They offer cooking and wine classes and special cookery for children.

Where to learn Italian dishes is never a question in Italy. There are a lot of Italian cooking and culinary schools, professionals and beginners can go to. Students learn more that cuisine and food, they learn a lot about Italian culture.

Cooking With Fine Italian Wine

Instead of enjoying a fantastic glass of your favorite fine Italian wine with dinner, consider using the nectar of the gods as an ingredient in your favorite dish.


Cooking with wine has never been more popular and endless recipes abound that incorporate all different types of wine into favorite dishes and unique spins on classic cuisine.

When you cook with Italian wine, the alcohol evaporates, so the dish will be appropriate for individuals unable to consume alcohol, underage eaters, or individuals who do not wish to imbibe any alcohol.

Many international dishes include wine, especially Italian, French, and Spanish favorites. You can use any type of wine or alcohol to cook with, but Italian wine has substantial fan following when it comes to cooking with wine.

Whether you want to add a unique flavor or a powerful zest to your dishes, adding your favorite Italian wine will have everyone raving over your cooking skills and the dishes you serve.

The key to cooking with wine is to choose good quality Italian wine. Just as quality directly affects the drinking enjoyment of a glass of Italian wine, the quality will also affect the end taste of dishes that are prepared using wine as an ingredient.

Remember, quality wines are not necessarily the most expensive wines, so avoid associating price with taste. It is safe to say that if you enjoy drinking a particular vineyard’s wine, you will also enjoy cooking with the same wine.

Also, you should carefully choose a Italian wine appropriate for the dish. Generally, the recipe you choose will come with
the appropriate Italian wine included, but the traditional rules for serving wine with food applies to including the wine as ingredients with food.

Many individuals choose to cook with white wine for a tangier, crisp taste and choose red wines for heartier dishes, including those filled with tasty cuts of meats.

Even though water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, alcohol has a much lower boiling point, around 175 degree Fahrenheit.

For this reason, you can quickly remove alcohol in Italian wine, in fact, approximately 40 percent of the alcohol is boiled out in approximately 15 minutes.

Eventually, the Italian wine will turn into a thick syrup is boiled long enough. This syrup is perfect for use as a glaze with meats or vegetables.

Once the alcohol has been evaporated, the flavors are emphasized. Also, alcohol, including Italian wine, brings out the flavor of tomatoes and other ingredients. Consider adding a bit of white Italian wine to tomato sauces to bring out the flavors.

There are a variety of cooking wines on the market, but you should avoid these products, since they are of lower quality than a fine Italian wine and usually contain a high amount of sodium.

However, if you are a collector of fine Italian wine, save these delicious drinks from the heat, since the alcohol will only be evaporated and the importance of the wine will be lost.

There are a variety of quality Italian wine on the market that are perfect for cooking. Choose rich, fruity wines for dessert dishes and strong white wines for sautéed or baking dishes.

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