
History Of Chocolate best Recipes

History Of Chocolate best Recipes

There is nothing else that will surely perk you up on a cold and rainy day than a cup of hot and creamy chocolate drink. Thanks to the Aztecs who discovered and gave us this wonderful gift of sweet delicacies that we just love!

History Of Chocolate Recipes To Keep You Warm

The Aztecs, during the earlier times of chocolate history, believed that consuming large amounts of chocolate would bring one’s health and power. That is why they did not only call it in “energy drink” but a very strongly defined “divine drink”.

Chocolate Drink Shops Growing Like Mushrooms

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And I believe this still holds true until today. No wonder hot chocolate recipes have popped up everywhere, every chocolate shop claiming to have the best chocolate drink ever!

But that is highly expected since they must be chocolates experts to be putting up a chocolate shop, in the first place!

Home made hot chocolates are most intriguing, though. For how do you turn a simple chocolate drink into something sumptuous, tempting and tantalizing?

Another natural chemical of chocolates that is responsible for that rushing feeling and tingly sensation of homey goodness began many years ago just like a cup of chocolate drink.

They started out liquid, would you believe? Now, here are some hot chocolate drink recipes that you may want to try at home for you and your loved ones to enjoy!

However, let us clarify something first. You must know that there is a very huge difference in ordering for hot chocolate and hot cocoa in your favourite local chocolate shops.

The chocolate you drink is made out of pure chocolate compound while the cocoa drink you order is prepared using cocoa powder and mixing it with water.

An expert would know right away even if blindfolded which drink is served to him, by merely smelling. Indulge in these recipes below and you will surely be delighted and satisfied with the warm and fulfilling sensation these concoctions will give you!

Warming Chocolate Recipes for the Sweet-Tooth’s

If you are born a sweet tooth, then you will surely adore this warm Coconut Hot Chocolate drink! Instead of putting milk on your warm chocolate drink, you can put coconut milk instead. Nothing could taste better than this. It actually tastes like chocolate daiquiri!

Chile Hot Chocolate Beverage
But if you are fonder of eating spicy food and drinking spiced-up beverages than drinking and eating sweets, well, the Chile Hot Chocolate beverage is the right warm chocolate beverage for you! Just add up a little of cayenne, about half a teaspoon, to get the kind of kick in the taste you want.

Rest assured the spice will never overpower the sweet taste of the chocolate giving you that tangy and delightfully sweet flavour till the last drop!

Double Anise Hot Chocolate Drink

Or you can also try the Double Anise Hot Chocolate if you still want to keep that spicy tang on your drink! Don’t get surprised though if you get too buffed up about it,

everyone else who tried this warm chocolate drink got addicted and never got off the hook! The sweetness of the licorice combined with the bitter taste of star anise is actually the culprit why so many fall into the pit of addiction to this drink!

Peppermint Hot Chocolate Drink

For those who like their chocolate drink minty, get a hold of the Peppermint Hot Chocolate drink where chocolate is blended with compressed peppermint candies for the holiday seasons!

Caramel Hot Chocolate Drink

And last of all, for kids who just adore chocolate drinks, energy drinks, as they call them.

Let them try the delightfully sweet Caramel Hot Chocolate drink.

This caramel hot chocolate drink is a must for everyone who wants to feel like a kid once again! Because these heart-warming chocolate drinks just taste so great, they will undoubtedly leave an sweet indelible etch on the history of chocolates!

The Origin of Happy Hormones: What is the History of Chocolate

Chocolates, chocolates, chocolates! Delicious, delectable, sweet, bitter, nutty, creamy, soothing, calming… how else can we describe chocolate?

The Origin of Happy Hormones: What is the History of Chocolate
 History Of Chocolate best Recipes

Who wouldn’t love these sweet confections?! Chocolates are easily accessible at any grocery stores world wide. People of all ages and gender definitely love chocolates. Not only is it delectable, it also has its share of health benefits for its patrons. But do you know where that bar of chocolate or that cup of chocolate drink came from? Here is something that can let you catch a glimpse of chocolate’s history.

Remnants of Chocolates Found in Mexico

History knew the existence of chocolate due to the remnants found in some jars in Mexico. This dates back to as far as 1100 B.C. It wasn’t a bar then as we know it now. The ancients used chocolate as alcoholic beverage to combat fatigue. Yes, very different from what we know chocolate to be is now.

In the latter part of chocolate history, cocoa beans from cacao plant were introduced by Christopher Columbus to the King of Spain. Decades after, Aztec Indians were found to use these cocoa beans in making chocolatl—a drink being served to guests of the King in ceremonial glasses.

Chocolatl, at this point, was treated as a divine drink. It is also seen to fight fatigue. It used to be bitter and later on honey and cane sugar was added to sweeten it.

Chocolate Drink Evolved in Spain

The drink continued to evolve in Spain. Several other spices such as vanilla or cinnamon were added to improve its flavor.

The popularity of the drink motivated the Spaniards to plant cocoa trees and kept the recipe a secret for a long time. However, as any good food, the recipe eventually became known to other parts of Europe.

Chocolate, at first, was restricted to the noble people. It was even used as an engagement present to some royalty figures.

Chocolate was seen to promote romance. Eventually, the drink was no longer restricted to a few. Stores were opened that offered drinks to the public.

The Very First Chocolate Factory

The first Chocolate Factory was hailed in New England. Manual labor has been the main creator of chocolate until the Industrial Revolution came.

It was not far from this point when mass production of chocolate began with the invention of the cocoa press that made the grinding of beans faster, easier and more improved.

In the 1800s several improvements made chocolate better and better—chocolate in solid form was born and milk was added to make chocolate creamier. This was the start of the more common chocolate bars and milk chocolates.

Chocolate through the Years

Innovative people, who have found their passion in improving chocolate, has added more variations, flare and spice to our good old chocolate bar.

As we know today, chocolate takes many different forms, shapes, flavors and additives. Chocolate, as a flavor, is no longer confined to bars or drinks. We can find an endless array of products with chocolate such as ice creams, cakes and candies.

As it is, chocolate has been one of the biggest industries in the very corporate and global world that we have now.

It has established a stable market that doesn’t know age. Now that you know the history of chocolate, next time you grab a bar of chocolate or drink a cup of chocolate drink, imagine first that what you are enjoying was once just for the nobilities and royalties.

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