Green teaWeight loss

Best The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, Weight Control One of the great advancements in nutrition in the twenty-first century is the scientific confirmation of the many benefits of green tea extract. Here are just a few. Green tea:

    • Lowers cholesterol
    • Slows arthritis
    • Prevents the growth of cancer cells
    • Assists weight loss

What accounts for the health benefits of green tea extract? Over 1,800 scientific studies have found that the active constituents in green tea are powerful antioxidants.

These are called polyphenols (catechins) and flavonols. Epigallocatechin gallate (you can just call it EGCG) is the most powerful of these antioxidants.

Milligram for milligram, EGCG has 25 to 100 times the antioxidant power of vitamins C and E. A cup of green tea has more antioxidants than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots or strawberries.

These abundant antioxidants power the benefits of green tea extract. They keep DNA intact and they stabilize the membranes of cells.

Best The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract
Best The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

These effects of green tea make it a powerful support in many health conditions. Let’s look at the benefits of green tea supplements in more detail.

Green tea has been shown to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels.

Who would have imagined that simple green tea could be as potent as Lipitor or Zocor or Crestin with none of their side effects? The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Scientific studies show that middle-aged men and women in Japan who drink 2 or more cups of green tea a day almost always have normal cholesterol. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Scientists have also recently reported that if you drink green tea after you eat a fatty food, less cholesterol will go into you bloodstream. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

And if you have high cholesterol when you begin taking green tea supplements, your body will convert less of it into a form that clogs your arteries. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Green tea protects your joints against osteoarthritis. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

This is one of the least known but most beneficial effects of green tea extract. Green tea prevents inflammation. When there is less inflammation, there is less wear and tear on your joints. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Green tea prevents the growth of cancer cells. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

The EGCG in green tea prevents cancer cells from growing by binding to a specific enzyme. This health benefit of green tea is especially important in cancers of the prostate, breast, and lung.

Researchers studied two groups of men who a pre-cancerous condition of the prostate. One consumed the equivalent of 12 to 15 cups of green tea a day. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Environment-friendly Tea Caffeine Is A Personal Preference
Environment-friendly Tea Caffeine Is A Personal Preference

One did not. One year later, 30% of the men who did not consume green tea supplements developed prostate cancer. Only 3% of the men who took green tea supplements developed cancer.

Another of the benefits of green tea extract is support for women who have breast cancer. Green tea provides chemicals that bind estrogen. This hormone is not then free to stimulate breast cancer cells.

Women who consume the greatest amount of green tea before menopause have the least severe forms of breast cancer when the disease occurs.


Women who drink green tea are less likely to have recurrences of breast cancer after treatment. And most important of all, women who consume green tea are 50% less likely to develop breast cancer at all.

Another of the benefits of green tea extract is protection against lung cancer.
The Japanese have both the highest rate of smoking and the lowest rate of lung cancer in the developed world. Japanese smokers who consume a lot of green tea seem to be protected against lung cancer.

And green tea can even help you lose weight. In a clinical trial, men eating a high-fat diet were given enough green tea provide the caffeine in a single cup of coffee.

Although this amount of caffeine has no effect on weight loss, when the caffeine comes from green tea, it is highly significant. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

The green tea supplement boosted the number of calories burned by 4.5%. While this is just 135 calories a day, the study showed that taking green supplements could help the average man on a high-fat diet lose 18 lbs (8 kg) in a year’s time. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

It could help the average woman on a high-fat diet lose 11 pounds (5 kg). This is without eating less or exercising more. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

How Can I Take Green Tea?

Best Tea Health Benefits
Best Tea Health Benefits

The benefits of green tea extract are greatest if you take green tea supplements rather than drink green tea.

A study in the December 2004 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that green supplements get more antioxidants into your bloodstream that drinking green tea.

Two capsules of green tea extract a day can provide all the benefits of 20 cups of green tea-all you need to support even difficult health conditions. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Green tea is safe and effective. Take 1 to 3 capsules of green extract every day. It is better to take green tea supplements in the morning or afternoon rather than at night. In the unlikely event of stomach upset, take with food. The Many Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Tea: How Is Green Tea Different From Other Teas?

For years, green tea was consumed almost exclusively in Asia. For centuries, green tea has been used by Chinese herbalists to treat many health maladies from menstrual difficulties to headaches.


In China and Japan, most people drink green tea all day long.

However, here in the Western world it has gained popularity only in the last few years. There are many ways to enjoy green tea, and many things to learn about it. There are several differences between green tea and other types of tea.

Processing – Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea, but it is processed differently. Green tea, however, is not fermented like black tea.

Green tea leaves are laid out to wither for about 8 to 24 hours after plucking to allow most of the water to evaporate.

Next, to prevent the oxidation (fermentation) process, the leaves are steamed or pan fried. Finally the leaves are rolled and then dried again, unlike black tea leaves, which are cut.

Flavor – Because green tea is in a very natural state, it tastes more plant like than black tea. Most people describe green tea as having a somewhat “grassy” taste.

It is green and somewhat pale in color, and can become bitter if over brewed. Green tea can have subtleties and differences in aroma and flavor based on the variety of the tea plant and the region in which the tea is grown.

In addition, there are many flavored green teas. Green teas are blended with herbs or fruit to create a wide variety of flavors. Many people who don’t enjoy the taste of plain green tea love the combination of green tea with other flavors.

Serving method – Green tea needs cooler water than any other tea for proper brewing.

Water for green tea should be purified and heated to about 160°F. It can be enjoyed with sweetener, milk or lemon if you prefer.

Green tea can also be enjoyed cold. Keeping a pitcher of iced green tea in your refrigerator lets you enjoy its health benefits all day long.

Caffeine Content – Green tea contains only about half the amount of caffeine as black tea. Black tea contains about 40 mg of caffeine per serving, while green tea contains just 20.

In addition, caffeine in tea has been shown to be less likely to cause jitters than other caffeinated beverages.

Health Benefits – Green tea has received a lot of attention in recent years because it has been shown in research to be very effective at preventing many diseases and even in treating some.

The natural anti-oxidants in green tea make it one of the most powerful health protectors you can consume as part of your diet. Green tea may be effective in:

•Reducing your risk of some forms of cancer – Many different studies have supported the finding that green tea can prevent and possibly even help treat some forms of cancer.

The first interest in green tea’s health benefits resulted from statistics showing that Asian cultures, where green tea is the most commonly consumed beverage, have the lowest incidences of cancer in the world.

Some studies have even shown that green tea compounds can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, slowing the progress of the disease.

It appears that tea may be most effective at preventing bladder, colon, rectal, esophageal, bladder, liver, lung, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

•Lowering Cholesterol – Tea has been shown to be effective in lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).

It appears that tea’s anti-oxidants work with HDL cholesterol to help transport bad cholesterol to the liver, where it can be passed from the body.

Tea also appears to inhibit the formation of abnormal blood clots, which are the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes.

•Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis –Tea’s anti-oxidants may have the power to help prevent rheumatoid arthritis. In some studies, it has even been suggested that green tea may be able to ease symptoms of those already suffering with this disease.

•Help Lose Weight – Tea’s combination of catechins and caffeine appear to speed up the metabolism and may help with weight loss.

In addition, it appears that using green tea as a diet supplement causes fewer instances of jitteriness and rapid heart rate than other diet supplements.

It may also help regulate insulin in the body, which can be beneficial for diabetics. Many studies have shown that lifelong tea drinkers tend to weigh less and have less body fat than non tea drinkers.

•Prevent Alzheimer’s disease – Studies suggest that tea drinkers may also be less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Though the subject requires far more research, it has also been suggested that green tea’s potent anti-oxidants may even have the power to slow down the progress of Alzheimer’s disease in those already suffering.

Most people in the Western world still drink black tea over green tea. But, as you can see, there are many health reasons to make green tea a part of your regular diet.

Green tea may be an important way to protect your health and prevent disease. And, it’s delicious, too!

Green Tea Side Effects Are All Positive

Green tea is a refreshing drink that has been consumed in China for hundreds of years, and this drink has become very popular in other places around the world in the recent past.


Green tea drinkers consume the beverage hot or cold depending on the temperature, their mood and the availability of the drink.

Green tea side effects are often a matter of discussion for many people believe that green tea side effects are important and definite.

Others speculate that the studies outlining green tea side effects are not clearly proven because there are studies that show conflicting results.

There are few adverse green tea side effects that are a part of the discussion. Most people agree that the only really negative green tea side effect is the presence of caffeine in the drink which can cause insomnia like many other drinks that contain caffeine.

There are some other green tea side effects due to the caffeine which can be addicting.

People that drink green tea might end up drinking it throughout the day. The good news about these green tea side effects is solved with the availability of caffeine free green tea.

Those who love green tea and appreciate the positive green tea side effects can drink the caffeine free drink.

Green Tea Side Effects Are Reported To Be Most Positive

There is even better news about the green tea side effects. There is some evidence that green tea side effects are very positive. The Chinese have used green tea for medicinal reasons for hundreds of years.

In the recent past, there have been studies that show some very positive side effects for those that drink green tea.

Those who drink green tea do not get certain cancers as much as the general public. There seems to be some very positive news regarding esophageal cancer.

It is also noted that those who drink green tea on a regular basis lower their cholesterol numbers. Lower cholesterol will lead to a healthier heart.

The heart benefits from the effects of green tea so those who consume this beverage on a regular basis will have a greater chance of avoiding heart disease.

There is also some evidence that those who drink green tea on a regular basis will avoid the pain of rheumatoid arthritis.

The evidence available shows that there are few adverse effects of drinking green tea and many beneficial side effects of drinking green tea.

Tea: Comparing Ceylon Green Teas To Indian Green Teas

Most of the world’s green tea is produced in China and Japan. In fact, China is where green tea originated.

Centuries ago, before other tea processing methods were developed, tea harvesters simply dried tea leaves in the sun before storing them, and this is how green tea was born. It gained favor quickly in this part of the world.

Even after black tea processing began, it didn’t outsell green tea.

Today, green tea is still a very popular beverage choice. In Asia, green tea is still by far more commonly consumed than other tea varieties, and most of the green tea we drink in the Western world is produced in China or Japan.

However, we should not discount Sri Lanka and India when it comes to green tea. Both countries produce very good green tea with very distinct flavors.

Green teas from Sri Lanka and India are not as common as Asian green teas, and, in fact, many people don’t even realize that these countries produce green teas. However, one taste of Ceylon or Indian green teas and you’ll likely want more.

Sri Lanka

Ceylon teas are grown in Sri Lanka. Tea is grown in the highlands of Sri Lanka, over an area of about four thousand square miles. Ceylon green teas have a full body and are somewhat pungent with a nutty or malty flavor. Ceylon green teas have a very bright and bold flavor.

The leaves are darker before brewing and brew a darker liquor, that is richer than most Asian green teas. Most Ceylon green teas are named using the same system as Chinese teas, with leaf shapes like gunpowder, etc.

Today, Ceylon is considered a fairly minor green tea producer. However, as the demand for green tea grows, it’s likely that more green tea will be produced in Sri Lanka. For those who are accustomed to Chinese and Japanese green teas, Ceylon tea may be a surprise because its flavor is so different.


India produces two varieties of green tea, Assam and Darjeeling. Both of these teas have distinct flavors and qualities and both are gaining popularity.

Assam teas are grown in the northeast part of India, along the border to Burma. Other than China, this region of India produces the most black tea in the world each year, at more than 1,500,000 pounds per year.

Assam green tea is fairly new to the market, but is gaining market quickly. Assam green tea is typically medium bodied tea that is very flavorful. Like Assam black teas, Assam greens are malty and have definite notes of honey flavor.

Typically an Assam green tea will brew up with no bitterness whatsoever, making it a good choice for novice green tea drinkers. Black Assam teas are used more often in blends than as single teas, but Assam greens are not as often blended.

Darjeeling green teas are grown at altitudes of 4,000-10,000 feet above sea level, where it is cool and there is almost always a mist.

It is the altitude at which Darjeeling is grown, the cool mist and the perfect drainage of the soil here that produces a tea with a distinctively muscadine flavor. Many people describe Darjeeling as being a very relaxing tea.

Darjeeling black teas are highly prized by the British and are considered to be one of their favorite afternoon teas.

In fact, it was the British who began the first tea colonies in India, in order to compete with Asian tea production.

The Darjeeling region of India has become synonymous with tea production. In fact, many tourists take a ride up the Himalayan railway to Darjeeling just to take a peek at the beautiful tea gardens that can be found there.

Darjeeling is one of the biggest tea producing regions in the world, but only a small percentage of the tea produced there is green tea.

Darjeeling green tea is very different from teas grown anywhere else in the world. It is milder than black Darjeeling tea and has a flowery bouquet.

Darjeeling green tea is a very nice combination of the grassy flavor of a traditional green, but with the Muscat flavor that characterizes all Darjeeling teas. When brewed it is a much paler tea than Darjeeling black tea, with an amber color and a fragrant aroma.

Because both India and Sri Lanka are rather new to green tea production and produce far less green tea than Asia, you may have some difficulty finding Ceylon and Indian green teas.

However, they are gaining popularity and will become easier to find. Today, there are a handful of tea purveyors in the United States that carry these varieties of green tea.

If you’ve been unsatisfied with the flavor of Asian green teas, you may have come to the conclusion that you’re simply not a green tea drinker.

However, before you give up on green tea, which is one of the healthiest beverages you can drink, give Ceylon or Indian green teas a try. They may be a bit hard to find, but when you do, they are certainly worth the trouble.

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