coffee lovers

best Choosing Espresso Beans

best Choosing Espresso Beans

If you are a regular espresso drinker then chances are that you know about all the different kinds of espresso beverages available.

Simply put, there are dozens of ways that many people all over the world enjoy the same type of drink. Whether it’s combining certain other ingredients to make a

latte or adding different spices like cinnamon, there is really no end to the way that espresso can be used in a coffee drink! When it comes to making espresso, though, many people have trouble and are often confused about where to begin.

Choosing Espresso Beans for your Espresso Machine

Of course, the first and foremost issue that you’ll want to take care of is your espresso coffee machine. There are many different types of espresso machines on the market today.

From manual espresso machines to automatic machines there are all different varieties and different prices as well. But the second thing on the list when making espresso is the coffee beans that are purchased for your drink.

Considering the fact that the coffee beans make all the difference when it comes to the taste of your espresso one should pay the utmost care when buying them in the grocery or other coffee store.

Pre-Ground or Whole Coffee Beans

Choosing the type of coffee beans for your cup of espresso is very important and there are two basic kinds of beans to choose from.

Espresso coffee beans usually come in pre-ground and pre-packaged servings, but they also come in whole coffee beans.

Of course the whole coffee beans usually have to be ground yourself, but many people prefer grinding the coffee beans by themselves because it gives them a feeling of accomplishment as well as more control over how coarse or fine they want their espresso beans to be.

If you are like many people, however, chances are that you’ll be purchasing the pre-ground coffee beans that are available in most of the grocery stores throughout the United States.

Even though there is an advantage to doing this, you’ll want to be sure that the packages actually fit in your espresso machine.

Even though most pre-packaged and pre-ground espresso machines are made with care so they do fit in most machines, it is better to check then to end up not having any espresso in the morning because you didn’t check the size of the packages!

Most of the pre-packaged espresso beans, though, will usually say whether or not they are compatible with all machines, so reading the label is also important before purchasing a specific pre-ground espresso bean package!

The best method that many people choose for their coffee beverage is to simply grind the coffee beans before they’re put into the espresso machine.

As mentioned, this gives them the greatest control over how the espresso will taste considering the fact that espresso is either bitter or weak depending on just exactly how they are ground!

There definitely is much to be concerned about, though, when choosing your coffee beans, so making sure you look at them wisely is very important!

Coffee Pods and Espresso Machines

There’s nothing like the perfect espresso. Finely ground, dark roasted coffee, pressed and percolated into a strong, rich coffee drink that delights the senses and perks up your day.

best Choosing Espresso Beans
best Choosing Espresso Beans

In Italy, ordering a coffee means that you’re ordering an espresso. The Italians stop in their local bar once, twice, even three times a day for the perfect cup of espresso. But here in America, it’s not as easy to find espresso done right.

The grind of the coffee, the right temperature, the pressing of the coffee and the foaming of the milk are skills that few people know how to wield properly on this side of the ocean.

But now with espresso machines and coffee pods, the guesswork is taken out of making espresso at domestic bars or even in your own kitchen at home.

In Italy, most Italians wouldn’t recognize what we think of as a coffee maker. They use a “machinetta”, a contraption that looks like a metal hourglass that has a top like a pitcher.

The machine has 2 chambers. Water and coffee go into the bottom chamber. The machine is placed on the stovetop and heated until the water boils, percolating through the espresso grinds and into the second chamber.

The pressure on the grinds between the two chambers insures that the coffee is pressed – the word espresso means “expressed” – and the rich taste comes from getting as much of the flavor out of the grinds as possible.

The milk is heated and whipped separately. But it’s easy to make a mistake in this process. Either by using the wrong amount of water or coffee, turning the heat on too strong or not using the right timing.

The growing popularity of espresso has meant that people want an easier, error free way to make it at home. So now you can find espresso machines that let you get the right combination of the necessary steps every time.

There is a wide range of models to choose from, with different features and capacity. Some are designed for use in restaurants or bars, capable of producing large volumes of coffee in shorter amount of time. Unless you do enough entertaining at home to justify the cost, these probably aren’t the best solution for you.

Models made for home usually produce either one or two “shots” of espresso at a time. If you prefer your espresso “macchiato”, with milk, or you want to turn your espresso into a cappuccino, you will want to get an espresso machine with a nozzle that creates the steam and lets you froth the milk.

Beyond these choices, you might want to consider a product that lets you use coffee pods. These pods look like large tea bags.

They contain the exact amount of espresso to deliver a perfect shot every time. You simply put the pod into its slot, close it, and start the machine.

When the cycle has finished, you just throw the pod away. It helps prevent any problems with measuring out the espresso and makes cleaning up absolutely easy.

If you purchase a machine that uses coffee pods, you might want to consider whether or not it can also take either another brand’s coffee pods or regular loose espresso.

Some machines do, but many will work only with the coffee pods that the same company also designs. Having the flexibility to use either the pod or loose coffee means you can still use it even if you run out of pods, which might need to be special ordered.

Until these machines become more popular, it’s not likely that the pods will be carried consistently in local grocery stores.

Plus, the choice to use either kind of coffee also gives you the freedom to experiment with other roasts or flavors of espresso to further indulge your love of coffee.

The Coffee Bean Story

This is the story of how the humble coffee becomes a world celebrity. It’s not about the Labrador named Coffee Beans attached to the Sheriff’s Department sniffing drugs and bombs.

It’s about “the” coffee beans we are familiar with. It’s about the fragrant aroma that stimulates our senses in the morning.

The tingling sensation we get when we take the first sip in the morning. How we manage to get an extra boost of energy whenever we feel tired and sleepy.

Let us take some time to ponder the processes the coffee beans have to go through before it can be marketed.

Processing The Coffee Beans

After the coffee berries have been harvested, it needs to undergo a process where the flesh of the coffee berries is removed.

The coffee berries are placed in special machines separating the flesh from the seed. This coffee seed is commonly called “coffee beans“.

The coffee beans will now undergo a fermentation process for a period of time. This process is done in order to remove the slimy mucilage coating the coffee beans.

After the coffee beans have undergone the mandatory fermentation, they are thoroughly flushed with clean water. This process is to remove the foul smelling residue due to the fermentation process and the waste water is a main cause of pollutant.

The coffee beans are then dried under the sun or by machines, until the moisture level is about 10% before they can be packed for storage.

Another method of getting to the coffee beans without undergoing the fermentation process is to dry the whole berry in the sun.

It normally takes about 10 to 14 days to complete the process with constant raking of the coffee beans to prevent mildew from forming.

This method is popular and widely used by coffee producers where water is scarce. The dried flesh is then physically removed leaving only the coffee beans.

The dried coffee beans is then sorted and graded before they can be stored or shipped to buyers. At this stage, the coffee bean is called green coffee beans.

Sometimes the coffee beans will undergo an additional aging process. The reason for this is because when coffee was first introduced into Europe,

the coffee beans have undergone a journey of about six months. Europeans have already developed a preference for this taste and therefore to simulate the taste, the coffee beans are further aged.

Roasting The Coffee Beans

Roasting is the final process the coffee beans have to undergo before they are commercially marketed. It is also possible to purchase un-roasted coffee beans that you can personally roast them yourself.

When the coffee beans are subjected to heat, there’s a chemical reaction happening within the coffee beans where the sugar and acid will begin to react releasing its aroma.

The coffee beans will turn darker due to caramelized sucrose. When this happens, the coffee beans are quickly cooled to prevent damage to the coffee beans.

When roasting the green coffee beans, a lot of carbon dioxide is released as a by-product. The carbon dioxide helps to “seal” the coffee beans from loosing its flavor and aroma.

Depending on how the coffee beans are stored, it may take some time before the optimum peak flavor. After reaching its peak, it will start loosing its flavor again.

If you are trying to roast your own coffee beans at home, be aware that you may not be successful during the first few times.

You might over-burn your coffee beans during your first few tries. Never be discouraged, but try until you get the taste and flavor that appeals to you. Remember to process in small amounts to maintain freshness of your coffee.

Grinding The Coffee Beans

Before the roasted coffee beans can be used, you need to grind the coffee beans first. The coarseness of your coffee depends on your preference and the type of coffee-brewing method.

It can range from coarse to very fine as in the Turkish grind. For example, if you’re using a percolator, a course coffee powder is suitable but if you are using an Espresso machines, an extra fine coffee powder is required.


The coffee beans have to undergo a string of processes before it can be consumed. The final flavor of the coffee depends on the journey the coffee beans take in order to reach its final form.

Different methods and different techniques will give rise to a varied coffee flavor. This is the reason why there are so many flavors to the simple coffee bean.

Tips For Finding Flavored Coffee Beans

Flavored coffee beans can bring a special taste and enjoyment to your morning coffeeCoffee beans that have a flavoring can often save you the hassle of adding a flavored creamer to your coffee.

How To Make The Perfect Espresso
best Choosing Espresso Beans

There are an endless amount of coffee types available from multiple brands. These tips will help you to seek out the most flavorful beans for your coffee.

Check Local Stores

Local stores that carry local goods will often have local coffee. The nearby coffee shops will attempt to sell their coffee at these stores. Others will simply try to sell their specialized blend of flavored beans in these stores.

Check Coffee Shops

Most coffee shops will offer their own brand of flavored coffee beans. Some sell this coffee in pre-packaged bags. Others will bag their flavored beans for you as you ask for them. Check with your favorite coffee shop to see if they sell your favorite coffee in whole bean or ground form.

Check the Grocery Stores

Grocery stores will often carry local brands of coffee, along with the regular national brands of coffee. National brands can still have good flavored beans. You simply need to test these various beans out to find the best flavors.

Organic/All Natural Stores

Organic grocers and “all natural food” stores will often have interesting, unique brands of coffee. They carry brands of coffee not found in other stores. You can find different coffee bean products at these organic stores than you would find at a grocery store.

Check Online

The Internet is a great way to seek out the different types of flavored coffee. You can use the Internet to research brands. You can also use the Internet to find reviews on different types of coffee. By going online, you can make your search for flavored beans as easy as possible.

Free Trade Coffee

Each of these stores may have “Free Trade” coffees available. These free trade coffees are not as popular as other brands of coffee.

They are often lost on the shelves among other popular brands. If you are looking for flavored coffee with a social purpose, look for free trade certified coffee. Be sure to check the reviews of these coffee brands online. You can easily find out the quality of the coffee through online evaluations.

Your local grocery and food stores will have the more basic types of coffee available. For some, the most basic flavored beans are the perfect beans for their coffee. These stores carry these basic beans. Others can find the best flavored coffee in their local coffee shops.

Organic flavored coffees and all natural flavored coffees continue to rise in popularity. Organic and natural food stores will have various flavored coffees that are not found in other stores.

These stores often carry free trade coffee as well. It may take time to seek out all of these stores. If you take the time to look at different stores, you will find the flavorful beans for your coffee.

The Art Of Coffee Roasting

Could there be anything better than a hot, fresh brewed cup of coffee? As you open that can of pre-ground Maxwell House Coffee, did you even know that coffee comes in different roasts? Did you know that you can roast your own coffee beans at home?

If you think that the aroma of your fresh ground coffee beans can’t be beat, get a home coffee roaster, you’ll be in Java Heaven.

Roasting the coffee beans is what imparts flavor. Similar to the making of a fine wine or a hand rolled cigar, some consider the roasting of coffee beans as an art. Those that describe coffee use some of the same vocabulary they use to describe wine.

Depending on the roast level chosen the beans take on different flavor characteristics. The lighter the coffee bean the less flavor it will have, the darker the coffee bean the stronger the flavor it will have.

There are generally four different categories of roast. A light roast (American) , a medium roast (Breakfast), a dark roast (French), and darkest roast (Italian or espresso). Each type of roast imparts a different appearance to the coffee beans.

When a coffee bean is roasted to an American roast the beans will have a very light color to them and they will appear dry. A medium roasted bean, or Breakfast roast will have a rich brown color and will be oily in appearance.

A French roasted coffee bean will have a very oily appearance with the beans appearing very dark brown. The darkest roasted beans or Espresso beans will appear black.

Coffee roasting can easily be done in your home. Depending on the roast that you desire you can roast coffee in five to fifteen minutes.

Green beans are available online from a number of sellers, as are coffee roasters. Choose different types of green coffees to sample. Drum roasters are very popular for use in the home.

It’s best to consider purchasing a roaster as it will give you the most consistent finish to your beans. Some try to roast beans in frying pans, some use hot air popcorn poppers.

While each of these techniques will work, as mentioned above they don’t give a consistent finish to all the beans and you will most likely be disappointed in the result.


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