coffee lovers

The Right Espresso Machine For You

The Right Espresso Machine For You

Brewing an espresso coffee drink is different compared to most other types of coffee.

In fact, the rise in the popularity of espresso coffee over the last 20 years or so has been very significant. Companies took notice and banked on the salability of espresso machines, competing for features and designs.

Due to this competition, espresso machines today come in varied forms, brands designs and sizes. That variation gives rise to another problem: Which espresso machine is right for your needs?

Espresso machines, no matter what the brand, will serve the same basic purpose. Espresso machines pump out steam through a finely packed puck of powdered coffee beans for about 20 seconds and produces a drink that is slightly thick and deep brown in color, with a foam layer on top.

Espresso machines may have a combination or may include all of the following components:

• Pump

• Heating Chamber

• Steam Wand

• Control Panel

• Reservoir

Espresso machines have four basic styles. Each type has its own positive features and each has its own disadvantages.

The pump style espresso machine

This type of espresso machines are of the larger variety and uses a power pump to provide the correct amount of water pressure.

The pump style espresso machines are quite large and could be noisy. These machines are suitable for commercial establishments as they can produce more espresso coffee with settings.

The machine is also the most expensive type, but produces the best tasting espressos. The disadvantage is that water deposits, which require regular and more vigorous maintenance, can clog the pump type espresso machine.

The lever style espresso machines

This machine is operated by manipulating the lever arm so that pressure is created that will force the steam through the coffee grinds.

Compared to the pump style espresso machine, this espresso machine type is quiet, although it could be quite hard on the hands.

Because this machine is manually operated, the quality of the espresso that is produced may vary. Compared to the pump style however, lever types have fewer parts and require less maintenance.

Steam powered espresso machines

The steam coming from the heated water creates the pressure for this espresso machine type. Because the pressure could be inconsistent and may not always be strong enough,

the quality of espresso that may be produced may not always be good. The steam type espresso machine, however, is easy to use thanks to is smaller design.

The Moka Pot

The moka pot is the simplest and possibly the most ingenious way of producing espressos. The moka pot is placed on top of your stove and the burner is turned on.

As the water boils in the bottom chamber of this espresso machine, a steam is forced through the upper chamber of the pot. Because the moka pot is not a mechanized espresso machine, the pressure produced from the process is weaker than its counterparts.

The main feature of this espresso maker is its simplicity. As a disadvantage, it does not have attachments for foaming. The moka pot is the least expensive of all espresso machines on the market.

The sales of espresso coffee machines have been increasing. Espresso machines for home use, though, will naturally tend to be less bulky.

The features mentioned above should be enough to determine the kind of an espresso machine that will suit your needs. Other features are merely bonuses.

What Espresso Machine Should I Buy?

The Right Espresso Machine For You
The Right Espresso Machine For You

What is Espresso?
An espresso machine is used to make traditional italian coffee which is known as espresso. Measurements of espresso are commonly referred to as “pulling” a shot.

This term comes from espresso machines with long handles that need to be pulled in order to ‘produce a shot’

What Machine Should I Buy?

There are many types of espresso machines available, which vary in quality. The really good ones control the temperature of the water to within a few degrees of what is considered optimum.

How Long Does It Take To Make An Espresso Shot?
It shouldn’t take much longer than 20-30 seconds to make a rich shot of espresso. You can pull a shot of espresso into a pre-heated glass to maintain the right temperature of your drink.

Milk based espresso drinks such as cappuccino also make use of steam wands built into the machine which steams and froths the milk.

Does A Portafilter Make It Taste Better?
Bottomless portafilters have the added advantage of ensuring the espresso does not contact metal during the process of extraction. Greater volume of espresso will flow using a portafilter and many people think it tastes better.

Types Of Espresso Machine

There are many different types of Espresso machine. Here is a summary: –

· Stovepot Espresso Maker – Portable but overextraction can produce a burnt taste.
· Steam Espresso Maker – Operate by steam pressure. End result is similar to stovetop espresso maker.

· Automatic Espresso Machine – Pump automatically turns off and brew pressure is released through a valve
· Super Automatic Machine – These machines automatically grind the coffee and are a breeze to use.

You just fill the hopper and reservoir. Many also include automatic frothing devices. These models are very popular for home use.

Before You Purchase A Home Espresso Machine

Instead of running to your local coffee shop or favorite corner café for the perfect cut of espresso, consider making your own at home.

If the thought of becoming a kitchen barista has you shaking without any caffeine, think again! There are a wide variety of espresso machines that are geared for home use, from the basic to the same machines used by the professionals.

However, before you drop a couple hundred of dollars on that top of the line espresso machine, consider your options and needs.

Also, if you are experiencing sticker shock from some of the higher end espresso machines, keep in mind that you are saving a great deal on a daily basis by avoiding high priced indulgences at coffee shops or cafes.

The first think you should know before choosing a home espresso machine is that there are several different varieties of machines.

Each different type of machine will come with a different price tag and different capabilities. Although the top of the line machine may be nice, it may not necessarily meet your needs.

Instead of buying an espresso machine simply because it is deemed the “best,” buy a machine that you can (and will) use on a regular basis. The different types of home espresso machines are:

Pump Espresso: Typically what you will find in a coffee shop, a pump espresso machine are usually made for commercial purposes, but can be used in your home.

Be prepared to expand your budget if you are looking to purchase a pump espresso machine, since they are typically the priciest of the bunch.

Also, pump espresso machines are usually the largest, heaviest, and noisiest of the options, but it produces a fantastic cup of espresso. These machines work by using a pump to keep the water pressure at an appropriate level.

Piston Espresso: If you are looking for a great, low maintenance espresso machine, consider those than run on a piston or lever system.

Instead of a pump to create pressure, these machines use a level that must be maneuvered in order to create steam.

Although a piston espresso machine is very quiet, they may require a great deal of arm strength to continually pull on the lever.

Furthermore, the piston espresso machine is capable of making a great cup of espresso, but it may take practice to get the hang of the process.

Steam Espresso: Using steam to create pressure to make the espresso, these steam powered espresso machines are typically the type found in the home.

With smaller machines that occupy less space and cost less money, steam espresso machines are quite quick and easy to use.

However, keep in mind that the steam produced may not provide the appropriate level of pressure, so the steam level should be constantly maintained.

Moka Pots: Moka Pots are a stovetop method to producing espresso. The process is simple and easy, although the final product may be less than professional.

Using specially designed two-part pot, the steam produced by the water boiling in the bottom of the pot is forced into the top part of the pot, where the coffee is boiling.

It requires a great deal less pressure than the other types of home espresso machines, but there is no milk frothing or foaming attachments, so you may have to sacrifice that feature for price and size.

Any one of these different types of home espresso machines will allow you to make a delicious cup of espresso. Your choice should be based upon needs, usability,

overall size of the machine, and of course the price. A high end espresso machine can run up a bill in the thousands of dollars.

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